Admin Dash

The Industrious admin dashboard was designed to help office managers to manage and track costs.

The Industrious admin dashboard was designed to help office managers to manage and track costs.

The Industrious admin dashboard was designed to help office managers to manage and track costs.



Product Designer

Core Team

2 designers, 1 project manager,
and 3 engineers.





Company Size

450 employees

User Problem

Member admins need to monitor and manage their companies costs.

Member admins need to monitor and manage their companies costs.

Member admins need to monitor and manage their companies costs.

The Ask

Design a dashboard that allows office managers to manage and track costs.

Insights and Opportunities

Office managers want to easily view their billing so they can manage costs.

How do we show billing information?

Office managers want to control spending so they can stay in budget.

How can we offer managers control of employee purchasing permissions?

Office managers want to know how employees are using their memberships so they can make adjustments as needed.

Office managers want to know how employees are using their memberships so they can make adjustments as needed.

Office managers want to know how employees are using their memberships so they can make adjustments as needed.

Office managers want to know how employees are using their memberships so they can make adjustments as needed.

How do we show employee activity and usage?


Design a web dashboard for office managers so they can manage their company memberships, permissions, and workspace costs.

Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard

I organized the dashboard in three sections to show office managers the most relevant information.

Admin Dashboard
Round 1

User testing with this initial design revealed that we still needed to bring billing to the foreground.

Admin Dashboard
Round 1

User testing with this initial design revealed that we still needed to bring billing to the foreground.

Admin Dashboard
Round 2

Adding a billing module made it so much easier for our members to make payments and stay on top of their costs.

Admin Dashboard
Round 2

Adding a billing module made it so much easier for our members to make payments and stay on top of their costs.

Admin Dashboard
Final Design

We were able to create a dashboard that made managing membership costs easier and more transparent. This digital foundation has helped Industrious expand to a robust global network of offices.